Sunday, January 1, 2012

Red Velvet Adventure

I have been wanting to attempt to make a red velvet cheesecake cake for a very long time, especially after my dear sister-in-law brought me one from the Cheesecake Factory (which I totally cried over, I was so happy). I am totally in love with ALL cheesecakes and I am up for trying any new recipe. Thanks to google and pintrest, I found a recipe for the red velvet cheesecake. However, as I was reading on how to do it, I realized there was a warning that it would take 2 days to accomplish. Well I was determined to make it for a celebration cake for ME for making it 5 years in recovery. I seriously think I deserve it hehehe.
It tasted absolutely amazing. However, I will only make it probably once a year. It really did take two days and a lot of effort, but it was totally worth it. Everyone seemed to love it. So for all of you that love to spend that many days doing an amazing cheesecake here is the link to the recipe. It is way too long to post. ENJOY!!! (copy and paste in browser)

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