Friday, December 30, 2011

5 Years

This is the last year I am going to post the anniversary of my release from the treatment center that I spent 3 months of my life.
I have yet to buy one of these incredible necklaces. Every time Ben has money and looks they happen to be out of stock. However, when we are broke they are in stock. Isn't that how life works? CRAZY! He really wanted to buy me one this year because 5 years in recovery is huge to him. He is sure that I probably would have been dead if I didn't do this program.
As I look back on the last 5 years, this year has probably been the roughest as far as staying in recovery and using different coping skills to cope with life.
I was going to post a picture of me, but as of the moment I don't look a whole lot different from when I was admitted. However, I am happy to say that it is only because I am nursing a baby and not because I am starving. She happens to take everything I have, which I like being able to eat whatever I want. That won't last when I am done nursing and my healthy weight returns.
It is quite triggering to me to be where I am at though. I have to fight everyday not to like it too much and want to stay where I am. That is part of recovery though, you learn different ways of coping with life's stressors and triggers and you consciously have to practice them every day.
I have to live moment to moment sometimes to get through the day. I have such an amazing family. Both mine and Ben's family have been so supportive with everything this year as always.
Sometimes I don't know what I would do without my mom or Ben's mom helping me with my kids.
I have made it though another year with the help of Heavenly Father and Ben. Seriously, they are the reason I am still in FULL recovery. I am so glad I have them to lean on. I am so glad that Heavenly Father doesn't get tired of my endless prayers to just make it through the day without slipping. I don't want to ruin my long 5 year streak of being healthy so I have relied a lot on prayer. I am so grateful for the gospel. I am grateful for Ben and his constant encouragement, love, caring and support and for just listening to me. I am grateful for Ben's parents, for giving us a wonderful place to live, for helping me be able to say that I have been in recovered for 5 years by helping me get treatment. They are the most amazing in-laws a girl could ask for. They raised the most amazing son. I am grateful for my parents for their endless love, support, and encouragement.
I have not relied much on therapy this year. In fact, I only went twice when I was pregnant. So I'm pretty proud of myself for doing it on my own with my support system. Here is to another 5 years of being HEALTHY!!!

1 comment:

Andalyn said...

I found the neclace for $65