It can only go up when you hit rock bottom, right? Well that is what we are praying for. life is funny. It throws so many curve balls, bumps in the road, whatever you want to call them. We have been thrown so many bumps in the road in the last three months, sometimes I think I want to be one of those bumps and just disappear. Brynlee is doing so much better with her apnea episodes and was given a clean bill of health last Thursday. Ben's weird lump/cancer scare is completely gone (thank goodness). However, these "bumps" this last week are a little harder to jump over for all of us. It all started when we had to have a health assessment for Ben's work. Him and I have to have a health assessment every year for insurance purposes. We got our results last Saturday. Mine was perfect, blood tests and everything. Ben's on the other hand have me pulling out my hair. His blood glucose was at 360. We both laughed at that number and said it had to be wrong. I suggested he get it tested at the Utah State Campus doctor. He finally consented to do so on Tuesday. Needless to say, he got diagnoised with type 1 diabetes after a glucose of 550. I completely freaked out, first cancer scares and now this. Except this was an actual reality and a ton better then cancer. I was completely shocked and so was Ben. He had had no symptoms except thirst and urinating frequently. He had lost about 35 pounds but he thought it was the diet I had put him on 10 months ago to loose weight and become healthier. To make a long story short, the doctors aren't sure exactly what kind of diabetes he has. He does not fit the typical symptoms for type 1 or type 2. They are leaning more towards type 1.5, which I didn't know even existed. He has a complicated case that has the doctor baffled. He is on insulin shots to help regulate his blood sugars and to help bring them down to a normal healthy level. So far so good.
The same day as the diagnoses, Ben was fired from his job for not clocking back in after a lunch break. He had totally spaced it and they fired him. Apperently his high blood sugars attributed to his spacey and forgetfullness. The company is extremely pickey about stuff like that apperently. If it were me, I would have been fired 10,000 times probably for all the times I had forgotten to clock in or out at the hospital when I worked there.
On the bright side, he got a job offer in Ogden at Capitol where he worked before we moved to Logan. So I am so excited to announce we are moving back to Ogden. In Ogden, we can be closer to family and he can be closer to the diabetes doctors down there. There are none in Logan. I applied for a job at a Medical Weightloss clinic in Ogden as a Nutrition Counsler...I really really want it.
Today I did so good. I was proud of his and my efforts to lower his extremely high glucoses. The diabetes educator gave me the okay to be his nutritionist so that he does not have to see a dietitican weekly or ever. I am glad I have a degree in what I do. Diabetes is complex as far as nutrition goes. I knew a little before his diagnoses, but now I am forced to learn everything I can. Before dinner tonight his glucose was a perfect 103 (normal), two hours after dinner it was 150, perfect for two hours after a meal. I was so excited that the portions I gave him were correct and worked well with his body. It has been so overwhelming to me. He is taking it so well and is coping very well considering he loves junk food. It will be an incredible lifestyle change for us and our families to count every carb in every food, but somehow we will manage because that is the hand we are dealt with right now.
I have to keep reminding myself that Heavenly Father doesn't give us more then we can handle. I forget sometimes that he knows us better then we know ourselves becuase I never thought I could handle this many bumps in the road.