Friday, December 19, 2008


So I am having one of those years where I just don't want to do Christmas. I wish it would just skip over this year. I know I am being a Scrooge, but I would feel a lot better if it was over. I guess with all the trials in our family, I am just not in the Christmas spirit. I have tried to serve others by volunteering at various places and making gifts for my brother for my mom, but that doesn't help my mood get better. I notice a lot of people in the same sort of mood. This time of year is just too stressful and there is so much emphasis put on shopping and stuff when really I wish people would focus on Christ instead including myself..that would probably help get me in the Christmas spirit.

1 comment:

*Aspen* said...

Aw poor Staree. I'm sorry you're bummed. I absolutely LOVE LOVE this time of year and it totally gives me something to get through the dark cold days. But I totally see how you mean people concentrate so much on gifts and shopping. It really shouldn't be that way. I admit, I have a lot of fun with it, but it really should be about service and remembering Christ. I always feel sort of guilty this time of year cause I don't want to teach my kids about Santa at ALL! I always want to tell them he's not real and just for fun but I can't cause Kyle really enjoys it, and I know I should let them enjoy it too, they're just little ones and magic only stays so fascinating for a short while. But I would rather them concentrate on Christ. But I FINALLY got it this year. I asked Sierra for the dozenth time if she knew why we did Christmas and she said "Cause it's Jesus' Birthday and he likes to share." YAY! Anyway, sorry for the LONG-WINDED comment, but no worries girly, there is so much happiness in Christmas. You just have to shut all the other junk that can come with it out. Love you!