Sunday, July 31, 2011

Kynzee 3 months old

Kynzee is 3 months old. HOLY COW!
She weighs, according to my scale 9 pounds 3 ounces and is 22 1/2 inches long.
She is finally allowing us to put her down without crying. She is all smiles most days, which is a big change from a couple months ago. She still has relfux really bad with apnea spells despite medicine. She starts having weight checks on Monday (aug 1). I don't really want to play the same weight game with Kynzee as I did with Brynlee. Maybe she will just be small and there won't be anything medically wrong. That is what we are hoping for :)

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

She sure is a little cutesie. I still can't believe it's been three months. Yikes! I sure hope she's just a little thing and doesn't have any medical problems. You're tiny, why can't she be? How is Bryn by the way?