Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Day at the Zoo

Aiden's favorite animal at the zoo:
Goliath Bird- Eating Spider
This eight eyed, eight legged freaky thing is from South America. It has the ability to hiss loudly by rubbing the bristles on it's legs together. They can also propell a cloud of hairs off their body at their attacker. This is the largest spider in the world and it is able to eat rodents, lizards, bats and small birds. GROSS!!-

Ben's Favorite Animal at the Zoo:
Amur Leopard
This animal is from Eastern Russia and Northern China and is the most endangered cat species in the world. They can run at 36 mph and jump 19 feet. There are only about 40 left in the wild.

Brynlee's Favorite animal at the Zoo
African Elephant: Baby Zuri and Mom Christi
African Elephant's ears are shaped like the continent of Africa.

Star's Favorite Animal at the Zoo:
This Giraffe is from Kenya and Southeast Uganda it is 17 ft tall and weighs about 3,000 pounds.

We took the kids to the Hogle Zoo. I am not an animal lover, but it had been since Aiden was 2 that we had been. Aiden and Bryn loved it. It was a special treat for them that they had earned.

1 comment:

Ryan & Keri said...

Star, I just caught up on your amazing life!!! You have had some awesome things going on! What a cool cake for Brynlee's birthday! Holy cow. And Kynzee is beautiful. Glad you are healthy and well. Hope things continue to go well.