Thursday, January 27, 2011


What are the odds that our 5 yr old gets severe RSV?
Poor Aiden has been really sick all week with an illness I thought only really effected infants and toddlers. I was wrong. It usually only effects children over the age of 2 like a normal cold. Since Monday, Aiden has struggled to breath and had fevers as high as 105 degrees. This picture of him today is a better day. He looks better. He still has to have breathing treatments every two hours, but it's a lot better from even last night when his fever reached 105 and he was breathing 40 breaths a minute (normal is 16). He has given us quite a scare. We tried everything to get his fever down from packing him with ice, a cool bath and taking him outside. The tylenol and motrin have not been helping much at all for some reason. We are so grateful for the prayers that have been said in his behalf .


Emilee said...

Goodness, you guys need a break!!! I'll write you a prescription!

Amy Jackson said...

he looks like he feels i guess...poor kid! poor stressed out parents. i hope he gets better quick

Stephanie said...

Sucky!!! I hope things get better for ya. Good luck!