Monday, December 13, 2010


Today was the day we had an ultrasound to find out what our little baby will be, however I have not had a desire to know this time. Ben could not stand the fact of waiting till the baby was born to to hear "IT's a boy" or "IT's a girl" so he chose to look at the ultrasound. So as for now until our little one comes, he is the only one that knows. It might seriously drive me nuts towards the end and I might just torture him to tell me, but for now I am pretty content (surprisingly) to wait and be surprised. Ben is very good at keeping secrets. He showed no emotion whatsoever when I was trying to read his face. He was that good. So good luck to anyone who wants to torture him to tell, he won't, it will have to be a SURPRISE.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

FUN!!! I'm glad you let him look. I have a friend whose husband didn't want to know, so he wouldn't let her know. I think that's a personal choice these days. How fun!!!