Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Especially Me

I am such a lucky girl. This year Ben has been doing the 12 days of Valentines for me. It is both shocking and amazing. In the 7 years (at the end of the month) we have been married, I have done the 12 days of Valentines 3 times. If any of you know Ben, he is a very thoughtful person, but he doesn't have a romantic bone in his body (he will admit). He has made such an incredible effort this year to spice up our marriage. It really does make me happy to see the effort isn't just one-sided. I am so grateful for everything he does for me all time. He asks me at least 100 times a day if there is anything he can do for me. There is such love and compassion in his heart for me and his kids. WE are truly blessed to have him, especially ME.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I've never heard of the 12 days of Valentines. That's awesome. Congrats on such a keeper!