Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Sorry that it has taken a week to update on Bryn. First I wanted to post a cute hair do I did on her a couple months ago. It is the waterfall braid. Her hair is so thin that it doesn't stay in very long but it is super cute.
Anyway, Brynlee has hypoglycemia only at the moment and no diabetes. I am super happy with that even though hypoglycemia sucks too, but not nearly as bad. I wish that was the end to Bryn's horrible luck though. We still have to do blood sugar checks on her twice a day. She has her own pink glucose meter coming in the mail though so hopefully that will ease her anxiety. Today she was diagnosed with asthma officially by the allergist and has to have an epi-pen like Ben and Aiden. She had an anaphylactic type reaction to a food she ate on Friday night and scared us a little. So $550 later for just her to get two inhalers and months worth of singular, oh and that does not include the epi-pens, which the pharmacy ran out of. Including Ben's allergy medication, it was $750 in one months worth. That is absolutely horrible. What the HECK!!!! our insurance doesn't cover medication and only covers 70% after a huge deductible of other medical. I am very grateful, don't get me wrong, but I don't know if it's even worth it if we end up paying 100% of everything till our HUGE deductible is met on medical only (not meds). BLAH ! That does not include Aiden's meds or Ben's diabetes supplies. Now that I have that off my chest because it ticks me off more then anything, I decided to make my kids their own medical bag with their names on it and decorated the way they want with all their meds in it. Then I won't get anything lost or mistaken for anybody elses. I know this sounds pretty pathetic. There has to be some organization is this chaos.
I shouldn't write on my blog when I have had such a crappy day. My poor baby girl has pneumonia AGAIN for the second time this month. I have come to the conclusion that my kids are going to have horrible lungs for the rest of their lives. The allergist said blame it on the genes. I am happy to say that none of these medical costs is for ME. YAY!!!! 1 out of 5 people. That's better then all 5 of us I guess. That was my one positive thing I came up with right now.

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