Thursday, February 2, 2012

It's Thursday

Today for "new recipe Thursday" I made Cream Cheese Chicken Chili in the crockpot with Chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes for dessert.
Oh my gosh, lets just say my tummy hurts because I am sooo full. The chili was awesome and the cupcakes were the best I had ever had. There was cookie dough (eggless) in the middle and cookie dough flavored frosting...NO JOKE!!! I had never added flour to a frosting before and this recipe called for 1 cup along with the powdered sugar, brown sugar and butter among other things. It was really rich. I will have to make these again. I do like my attempt at making the cupcake look like a rose which is practice for when I make Ben a yoda themed cupcake bouquet for the 14 days of Valentines that I am doing for him.

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