Wednesday, November 30, 2011


In Brynlee's hand is her "imaginary" pet Wilbur. Bryn has such an imagination. She doesn't have the imaginary human friends. All of hers are pets. This last week it happened to be a grasshopper named Wilbur. She would wonder around the house looking for him because he hopped away. She would then find him later in grandma's tub with his sister (no name). She even asked for a piece of cheese for Wilbur to eat for lunch. He ate it with no problem.
This week her pet friend is a puppy with brown spots and black ears. She wanted Aiden to pet her puppy and he just played along and pretended to pet what was in her hand. I love how supportive he is as a brother and doesn't make fun of her.
I love her imagination. I seriously don't know what we would do without her in our family. We are so blessed.

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