Thursday, April 28, 2011

Welcome Baby Kynzee Rae Hatch

EVERYBODY who guessed a GIRL was right obviously. Kynzee Rae Hatch was born on
April 28, 2011 at 12:29 pm. She weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long. She was born a month early (due on May 29). I am so grateful to have her in our family.
My labor was quite long this time because they couldn't "help" me because I was only 35 weeks. But, my body managed to do it on it's own. They had to slow me down so they could infuse antibiotics for group B strep and that just made things drag even more. I even got to experience having my water broke first before I had an epidural. I don't and won't experience that again.
After 20 minutes of pushing she was born with the cord wrapped around her neck (Scary) and a cone head even though they did not have to help her with forceps. I was soooo glad because I did not have to be cut nor did I tear. One less thing to recover from.
Kynzee was very alert after she was born. She just looked around with those bright big brown eyes for a whole hour. My mom and I did notice that her nose was flaring and she was grunting. Both are signs of respiratory distress. Ben went with her to transition and her glucose was checked. Of course it was low at 32. So they gave her some enfamil and she threw it back up. They did an x-ray of her lungs and saw streaking, which is common in premature infants as well as her lungs collapsing. They also ran some blood work and determined she had an infection of some kind. So with all that, she got admitted to the NICU for who knows how long. They have her on a high flow oxygen to help her breath and antibiotics. She is so sick that the nurses commented that she won't even cry or wake up when they prick her heals for blood. SOOOOO sad.
She is a fighter though I can tell. She is strong and will beat this. Ben and his brother gave her a blessing and it was very promising of course, that everything will be fine. She is meant to be here for some reason


Dee Dee said...

She is Beautiful!!! Congratulations! I'm sorry that she has to be in the NICU. She will do so well, especially after receiving that blessing! How grateful to know we have the priesthood in our lives! I hope that you are feeling well. Good luck with the next few days/weeks as Kynzee recovers. I love her name; it it adorable! Our prayers will go out to you!

Stephanie said...

I thought she would look a lot more tiny. She's sprawled and looks super long to me, althought has the cutest little leggies. Maybe it's because she's in that incubator or something. Or all of the pictures of babies in the NICU always show them at 2 pounds! She has the cutest little face. What a sweety. Keep us posted on this little warrior!!