Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kynzee and Daddy

Ben and Kynzee hanging out. He looks really big by her because she is so small.


Ryan & Keri said...

Star, congratulations! She's beautiful! And I'm so happy for you and your family. A fighter, she sounds like indeed--just like you. Wish I was there to hold her and help you with your other kiddies. Just glad she made it here safely, and I hope she can come home soon.

Stephanie said...

My gosh, does she ever look so tiny in her daddies arms. I can't believe the difference in her size out of that little bed. She's SOOO tiny. I've never held a baby even close to the size. My smallest was 6 13. Almost 2 pounds difference! I would feel as if I was holding a feather! I can't wait to see you this weekend if I can fit it in. Hang in there.