Saturday, August 8, 2009

Boys will be Boys

Aiden had a little accident on Friday. He had gotten out of the bath tub and ran out to the family room wet and naked to watch his favorite show "Word World." I took him back into the bathroom and wrapped him in a towel. I stood him on the rug and turned to empty the tub. Next thing I know, I hear this PLOP and him screaming. I look and there he is face down on the bathroom tile. I picked him up and his face was covered in blood. I thought Oh GREEEAAAT where is this blood coming from. I wipped the blood off his face and found his chin was gashed open. It's a good thing stuff like that doesn't bother me cuz it was pretty bad. I also noticed that his front tooth was chipped and there was blood coming from his gums.

I grabbed a wash cloth and put pressure on his gushing wound and carried him to my room. I layed him on my bed so I could call my mom. Of course, I could not get through. And of course, I could not call Ben because of the extremely DUMB rule his work has that he can't have a cell phone on him. I FINALLY got through to my mom and had her meet me at the clinic to grab Brynlee. I put 2 bandaids on his chin to keep it somewhat closed and from gushing while we drove.

He wore the perfect shirt it says "Proud to be LOUD" He screamed bloody murder when they gave him the numbing shot and when they gave him a tetnus shot. I had to literally lay on top of him to hold him down during the tetnus shot. Poor kid. He is very bruised and has a fat upper lip and his tooth looks horrible as well as 7 stitches. However, he loves that he can wear his spiderman bandaides. Yesterday was a very eventful, STRESSFUL day.


Stephanie said...

Um.... I don't know if I would have handled it as well as you did. I'm super emotional when it comes to stuff like that. I cried like a baby when I got the numbing shot on my leg. It HURTS. I'm proud of him for living through that endevor!

Emilee said...

WOW! I agree that boys will be boys, and boy do I know it, but luckliy we have not done the stitches or ER thing yet. ooooops!
I shouldn't have said that, now I am sure I will be blogging tomorrow about one of our boys!!

Ryan & Keri said...

One month later, I am finally catching up. I hope his chin is feeling better. Poor kid. He's had a rough go this year. And btw, I LOVE your family pics! They look GREAT!!!