Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Mommy you need......

I struggle with having church so early. My calling is relief society pianist, which I've had many times before, but for some reason my fingers don't want to work in the morning and I have to deal with them being cold...Thanks to winter. So this morning wasn't any different. We had an amazing lesson that drained me more then I was already drained. So I was kind of glad when Ben came in after and said he had to go and fix a 2 million dollar problem for a Maverik store. Bryn and I went with him. I keep her with me to avoid her catching germs.
When I left, I was upset about something and that didn't help my already irritable mood. I sat on my bed when we got home and I cried. I cried for about a million reasons. Ben was hugging me and Brynlee came in, climbed on my bed, and took my face in her hands and said "Mommy, I'm sorry you're sad you need some lunch." I was really surprised to hear her say that, but a lot of times I get emotional and irritable when I need to eat. I am sure she has heard Ben many times tell me that I should eat and it will make me feel better. I love my little girl. She is such a caring, compassionate little thing. What would I do without her.

1 comment:

Ryan & Keri said...

I wish I was there to give you a hug. And Brynlee sounds so sweet. Hang in there. There is always hope and the dawn of a new day/spring. Keep your chin up. And way to go, Aiden, on your reading! That is so exciting! Matthew just started reading too. And ironically enough (Probably because it was his birthday), Matthew's teacher just finished their Dr. Seuss unit. Matthew came home on Thursday and read us Green Eggs and Ham. I'm blown away by how smart these kids are! Anyway, have a great week! Love you.