Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The Spider's touch, how exquisitely fine!
Feels at each thread, and lives along the line
-Alexander Pope-

Aiden has wanted a pet spider for awhile. My brothers (his uncles) have caught spiders in jars and had spider wars with them for years. They always like to see what kind of spider will win the war.
Well now Aiden is fascinated with spiders and just bugs in general. This spider in the jar was given to Aiden by Uncle Braydon as a birthday present. It only stayed alive for a couple hours.
In my opinion, Spiders are creepy and I HATE them. They freak me out. Even looking at pictures of them gives me cold chills.


Stephanie said...

How sad that it died before his birthday:( Happy Birthday tomorrow Aiden:)

Amy Jackson said...

I am not a spider fan either! Hey we are comming out there I think in a month and I am planning to do something star wars for Canons b-day he would LOVE it if Aiden came, I will let you know more details when i figure it out. I hope you are doing ok, call me anytime I know you are crazy busy so I dont know when a good time for me to call is, Miss you guys!