Today Brynlee had her 9 month checkup (even though she is a week from being 10 months). She has been to the doctor a lot in the last month due to various weird illnesses that she just can't shake. She has developed another bad sounding cough with no other symptoms as of last night, which I am hoping is just allergies since her lungs are clear. Her height is in the 6th percentile at 26 inches. So she grew taller by an inch (yay). Her weight on the other hand, has the doctor extremely concerned. She weighed 12 pounds even, which is what she weighed at her 6th month checkup. She is looking really thin to Ben and I as well as the doctor. He is hoping it is her illness taking a toll on her body, but he is nervous that it might be a metabolic disorder causing her not to gain weight properly. I have been calorie packing her food for about a month, which has done absolutely no good. I add butter or oil to her baby food that I mash up myself..I even gave her chocolate the other day. The store bought baby food I just add vitamins too. Today I tried to give her just a little bit more food then she usually eats and she threw it all back up..besides she was coughing at the same time and choked, but there goes that idea.
So as a result of today's visit, she gets to have bi-weekly weight checks and has to be seen in another month. In two weeks, they will draw blood and check for the Nutritional disorders that he is concerned she might have. Just a little update on our peanut baby. However she is very on schedule developmentally. She learned to crawl, pull herself up to stuff, got two teeth, and walk along furniture all in a week. She even stacks cups's her favorite toy. She is such a joy and such a happy baby. We are so lucky to have her.
The Prophecy
3 months ago