Ben got his insulin pump yesterday. He calls it his plastic pancreas. He absolutely loves it...and yes it is green. This particular pump is awesome. He just tests his blood sugar on his meter and the pump automatically gives him the amount of insulin he needs based on that reading. There is millions of foods programed in the pump that make it easier. He just finds the foods he ate in a meal and it adds all the carbs up for that meal, then it pumps the insulin in based on the total carbs. He doesn't have to count as much as he had before. We found out in July that his pancreas is pretty much toast and he is full on Type 1 diabetic now. It is still surprising to his endocrinologist that he got it at the age of 27. The pump will help him control his sugars better. Up until now, they have been very difficult to control and he keeps having to up the amount of insulin he has a day. So the pump replaces his 6 plus shots a day of two different insulin's (a base and fast acting). Thank goodness for technology and insurance. We are blessed and our insurance covered it 100%. These are very very expensive and we feel very lucky and blessed.
The Prophecy
3 months ago